As a company, we specialize in earthworks, pavement construction (inclusive of stabilisation), drainage and subdivision construction around the greater Waikato and Coromandel area.
We regularly undertake repeat stages on contracts for clients. In more recent years we have been the head contractor for Chedworth Properties (multiple stages), Glaisdale Properties (multiple sites), CDL Land NZ and Sylvester Road Properties.
A brief insight into Online Stabilisers…
Online Stabilisers has developed as a division of Online Civil Contractors and utilize our many years of stabilisation experience to diversify the company’s offerings. This experience was gained from working with a leading Auckland based stabilisation company. By working on various locations, we have learnt the nuances of working with varying degrees and qualities of aggregate and ground conditions.
Online Civil Contractors has focused on subdivision construction we also have considerable experience undertaking head contractor roles on AWPT contracts throughout the Waikato and TCDC regions.
Online Civil Contractors management and staff have considerable experience in the handling of a varied list of material types that includes; sands, clays, peat and all aggregate types.
The company develops handling and conditioning methods for their projects and is constantly adjusting methodologies to suit the changing material types, ground conditions and technical requirements.